News at SEVEn (march 2003)

Another wave of liberalisation; Energy policy and municipal ordinances; Biomass for energy purposes and its fuel costs; Green electricity for large companies; Canada supports greenhouse-gas emission abatement in Central Europe; Saved greenhouse gases help project financing; Electricity market liberalisation – roles and results of the Electricity Market Operator; Kyoto Protocol dead in the water; Prague Energy Utility promotes energy-saving fluorescent lamps; Reader‘s letters . . . Regulation of heat prices in 2003; Reader‘s directory update; SEVEn on the move; Sušice low-energy low-cost apartment house complete; Award for low-energy family houses; Setur water engine wins Negawatt 2002; New publication on heat pumps;  Conferences, exhibitions and presentations April – June 2003; Directory of publications devoted to renewable energy souces development

Published:    18.3.2003